
Why Choose Artificial Turf


Why Choose Artificial Turf

Artificial turf is back in fashion, and it’s not just considered chic for the indoor Silicon Valley office or high-class golf course anymore. Now, artificial turf is everywhere – and might be a better alternative to the natural, traditional lawn for homes.

Here are 3 popular reasons why you should choose artificial turf for your proper.

Artificial Turf is Cheaper

Let’s not beat around the bush here: a proper natural lawn costs a huge amount of money to maintain, especially if you would like it to stay in good condition throughout the whole year.

A real lawn requires water, regular nutrients, soil adjustment and maintenance for most of the year. Lawns need to be trimmed, and lawns need to be continuously fed in order to keep them as green as we all like to see them.

Just judged by maintenance costs, an artificial lawn is much cheaper to take care of.

There’s no need to trim, and there’s no need to water.

Artificial Turf is Environmentally Friendly

It sounds like a ridiculous idea to most gardeners that their perfect lawn doesn’t add to the wellbeing of the environment. Here’s the thing: lawn care is extremely timely, and watering your lawn more than necessary can do a lot of harm to the lawn instead of good.

Artificial turf doesn’t need any watering.

There’s no risk of pumping excess amounts of water (that the rest of the environment often needs more) through an artificial lawn.

Even in times of reduced rainfall or drought, artificial lawns present no potential danger to the environment. Real lawns do.

Artificial Turf is (Literally) Evergreen

Real lawns need real serious care.

With dips through the seasons, real lawns experience times when you just can’t get the right shade of green (and this takes more specialized, often more expensive lawn maintenance).

Artificial turf is literally evergreen, and will stay in great condition throughout the whole year.

It’s just one more reason why artificial turf is better.

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