
Why Winterizing Irrigation Systems Is A Must


Why Winterizing Irrigation Systems Is A Must

Having an irrigation and sprinkler system is an excellent way to keep your landscape looking great throughout the warmer parts of the year. However, in winter months, a system that has not been winterized can become a costly hazard to your landscaping. If you have an irrigation system, here are a few reasons you should have it winterized by a professional landscaping service: 

Freezing Temperatures Can Ruin Your Irrigation System

When water gets left in your irrigation system during the winter, it will eventually freeze as the temperature gets low enough. As it freezes, the ice expands, putting significant stress on pipe systems, sprinklers, and fittings. With low enough temperatures and enough pressure, the pipes will eventually burst, completely ruining the entire irrigation system. Winterization services will remove any water from your irrigation system during the winter to ensure nothing is left inside the pipes to freeze and burst.

Your Warranty May Be At Stake

You may not realize it, but your irrigation system’s warranty may require you to winterize your pipes. If you have a new system is under warranty, take some time to read all the details. You will likely find that the warranty requires professional winterization services to remove all of the water from your pipes. The last thing you want to happen is for part of your irrigation system to break just to find out the warranty won’t cover it. 

Preventative Maintenance Is Much Cheaper Than Repairs

Having your irrigation system winterized is a lot more affordable than paying for the costs to repair or replace the entire system. With a professional service, your whole irrigation system will be free from any standing water, making sure nothing will expand or freeze as the temperatures drop. The time and cost required for winterizing is a fraction of what it takes to unbury, repair, and replace expansion damage.

Let The Pros Take Care Of Your Irrigation System This Winter

Keane Landscaping is a family-owned and operated business that has proudly served the Dallas area for over 40 years. Our talented staff can take care of your irrigation system, so you don’t have to worry about water expansion, burst pipes, or voided warranties. Give us a call at 972-210-0743 for a free quote.

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