
Winterize Your Sprinkler System

sprinkler system

Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Winter is the perfect time for fuzzy sweaters and holiday cheer, but before you bundle up, don’t forget to winterize your sprinkler system. Winterization will help keep your pipes in good working order and prevent your valves and pipes from getting damaged. It may seem like a difficult task, but we have a few suggestions that will make winterizing your sprinkler system easier.

Stop The Water Flow & Timer

Once you water your lawn for the last time for the season, turn off the water flow that is connected to your sprinkler system. In most cases, the shutoff is near the water meter. Some sprinkler systems have a backflow valve; this will also need to be turned off. You will also need to turn off any automatic timers to prevent the system from cycling up during the winter months.

Drain The Water From The Sprinkler System

Once the water and system are shut off, it is important to drain any remaining water from the system. Depending on the type of sprinkler setup you have, you might be able to accomplish it manually. Open all of the valves one at a time and in order to allow the water to seep out. If the drain is automatic, then the water will drain once the main valve is turned off and the water pressure drops. You can hire a lawn care specialist to blow out your sprinkler system with compressed air as well.

Insulate Your Components

The parts of your sprinkler system that are above ground will also need to be insulated from the weather. Wrap them in insulation tape or apply foam covers to ensure they are properly protected during the frost and snow season. The best time to winterize your sprinkler system is in the late fall, at least 10 days before the first frost.

Keane Landscaping is a top choice for landscaping in Dallas. Since 1980, Keane has provided customized landscape designs to homes in the Dallas area. All landscaping services are completed by trained, insured professionals with years of experience who can tailor to your needs. We’ve provided fall landscaping for decades and can help fill your garden with fall colors this year.

If you’re in the North Texas region, call 972-210-0743 or visit to get a free quote today.

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